So you’ve rented an RV and decided to see America in it. It’s an affordable way to have an unforgettable adventure of exploration. But, as with any adventure, you need to plan ahead. One thing you need to plan for is insurance. Keep in mind that laws concerning insurance vary from one state to another. It is a doable excursion, but you must know a few things before you venture out.
Things You Need to Consider
Driving laws, particularly those pertaining to RVs, can vary from state to state. Do your homework and research what each state you’re visiting expects of its motorists. For example, seat belt laws in Florida only cover minors and people sitting in the front seat. Alabama is a little stricter, covering everyone regardless of age or seat placement. Before you begin your trip, review your RV insurance policy details. If you’re unsure if you’ll be covered in another state, ask your insurance company for written confirmation. These things are as important to research as the locations of gas stations and the rules of the campsites. While on your trip, always have insurance details, your driver’s license, and RV rental agreements on your person or at least within easy reach. Be ready to present them if requested.
Percheron Insurance Group Serving Pinellas County
If you live in the Pinellas County area and need RV insurance, please consider Percheron Insurance Group. Our knowledgeable and courteous agents will help you find the right policy for your unique needs.